Commercial Tenant Protections2024-09-25T10:45:39-04:00

Small business tenants often lack the same rights and protections as residential tenants. Most BIPOC- and immigrant-owned businesses rent rather than own their space, which means they must negotiate leases and are vulnerable to rent increases, landlord harassment, and evictions. Commercial tenant protections reduce the risk of small business displacement by addressing these challenges.


Commercial Rent Regulations

Regulations that limit the amount of rent landlords can charge businesses for new or renewed leases and how much they can increase rent during a specified period of time.

Anti-Displacement Codes of Conduct

Agreements that provide a roadmap for banks and financial institutions to practice responsible lending and investment in low-income neighborhoods.

Tenant Harassment Protections

Laws that protect small business owners and other nonresidential tenants from landlord harassment.

Community Benefits Agreements

Contracts between community groups and developers that require developers to provide amenities tailored to local community needs.

Strategies in Action

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