Community Ownership to Keep Small Businesses In Place

Our call for case studies of community ownership strategies that prevent small business displacement is now closed. Grant awardees will be announced in June.

DEADLINE EXTENDED: Proposals are due Tuesday, April 23rd at Noon (12 p.m.) ET

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Case studies should examine how organizations across the U.S. and internationally have deployed community ownership strategies that allow community members and stakeholders to control commercial assets, land, and enterprises. We are particularly interested in what has worked for BIPOC and immigrant businesses and communities. Potential topics include commercial condos, commercial co-ops, community land trusts, commercial property acquisitions funds, and community investment trusts. See our toolkit for a description of these and other topics. We welcome proposals to study additional anti-displacement efforts.

This is an opportunity to highlight the efforts of organizations doing impactful small business anti-displacement work and to share lessons to an audience of diverse, cross-sector stakeholders. We encourage submissions from organizations and individuals in the public, private, and non-profit sectors (including universities). We particularly invite submissions from BIPOC- and immigrant-led organizations and from SBAN members.

Grantees will have the opportunity to learn from other case study teams and receive consultant support from SBAN experts while researching and producing their case studies. They will be invited to participate in individual and group meetings with fellow case study authors, held virtually, during which SBAN staff and grantees will provide peer-to-peer advice on how to build frameworks for analysis, conduct policy-relevant research, and share lessons with stakeholders in and beyond each grantee’s metropolitan area.

SBAN will select no more than 6 case study awardees. Of these, 2 will also be selected to host site visits to the neighborhood(s) on which their study focuses. Site visits will provide SBAN members with a first-hand look at how communities are combating displacement through community ownership efforts. Case study applicants are encouraged to apply to host a site visit.

Grantees will receive $15,000 and the opportunity to learn from other case study teams, receive consultant support from SBAN experts, and present their work at SBAN conferences. Two grantees will be selected to host site visits and receive an additional $10,000.

Contact us at with questions.

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