Welcome to the Interactive SBAN Toolkit

Are you looking for strategies to help BIPOC- and immigrant-owned businesses stay in place and thrive? Answer three questions, and we’ll provide you with anti-displacement strategies, tools, and examples that align with the specific concerns impacting businesses in your neighborhood, city, or region.

Strategies in Action

Commercial Façade Improvement Programs

Commercial Façade Improvement Programs are incentive program that encourage property owners and tenants to improve their building’s exterior and storefronts through financial incentives, such as matching grants and loans, tax abatements, and design assistance.

Legacy Business Programs

Legacy business preservation programs can preserve long-term businesses contributing to a neighborhood’s history, identity, and character.

Local Hiring Ordinances and Purchasing Programs

Local hiring or first source ordinances prioritize residents for jobs created by municipal financing and development programs.

Heritage Tourism Programs

Heritage tourism programs are led by community members, political leaders, or local businesses.

Technical Assistance

Technical and capacity-building strategies often target neighborhood businesses owned by immigrants and people of color.

Neighborhood Business Incubators

Neighborhood business incubators are designed to help startup businesses grow and succeed by providing free or low-cost workspace, mentorship, expertise, access to investors, and in some cases, working capital.

Property Tax Abatements

Tax abatements are used to promote economic and community development.

Business or Community Improvement Districts

A business improvement district (BID) is a special taxing district that collects revenue within its boundaries to pay for public facilities, improvements, or services such as beautification, security, marketing, public space management, and social services.

Tax Increment Financing (TIF)

Tax Increment Financing (TIF) is used to support local government economic development projects.

Real Estate Transfer or Vacancy Tax

A real estate transfer tax, also known as an anti-speculation tax, is a one-time tax imposed by a state or local jurisdiction on property transfers.

Your voice matters!

If there’s a concern or challenge that you’re facing which isn’t addressed in the toolkit, let us know below. We’re dedicated to exploring further and finding solutions to meet your specific needs.

Together, we can create more inclusive and vibrant neighborhoods where small BIPOC and immigrant-owned businesses thrive.