Neighborhood-Serving Zones2024-09-25T09:25:05-04:00


Neighborhood-serving zones, also known as town-serving zones, neighborhood retail zones, or commercial neighborhood zones, aim to sustain small, local businesses by limiting the size and type of stores in certain districts. These zones are typically mixed-use neighborhoods of varying density and scale that are established around historic commercial corridors. While they are typically located  in corridors, these zones may also be applied to  small clusters of commercial activity in residential districts, such as commercial buildings. Neighborhood-serving zoning laws require new retail stores to demonstrate that a majority of their sales come from the surrounding neighborhood. Such zones can work as anti-displacement tools by preserving existing community-oriented small businesses and helping to keep capital circulating locally.


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Strategies in Action

Neighborhood Commercial Districts – San Francisco, CA

In 1987, San Francisco created Neighborhood Commercial Districts, establishing a neighborhood-serving zone system tailored to specific areas’ unique characteristics. For instance, in North Beach, non-residential uses that are 2,000 sq. ft. or more are permitted [...]


Town Serving Zone – Palm Beach, Florida

Efforts to establish Palm Beach’s Town Serving Zone began in 1988, through resident advocacy. The zone capped store sizes at 2,000 square feet and required businesses to serve primarily people living or working in Palm [...]


Development Moratoria – Fort Collins, Colorado

In 1994, the City of Fort Collins adopted a Development Moratoria to stem the rush of large chain “superstores'' locating to the area. Superstores were defined as any building, or combination of buildings, intended to [...]



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