Find Data on BIPOC-Owned Small Businesses
Data on the race and/or ethnicity of small business owners is crucial for identifying businesses vulnerable to displacement. SBAN created this data portal in response to the lack of accurate or detailed data on BIPOC-owned small businesses in the United States and to provide a central hub for data sources that do exist.
This “database of databases” provides information about sources of small business data at the national, state, and metropolitan level, as well as a few sources of global-level data. Our portal focuses primarily on SBAN’s target metro areas, which are experiencing some of the most intense gentrification in the country.
You can filter by geographic scale (global, national, state, or metro area) and type of data to see what kind of race and ethnicity information each data source provides. Choose “all states” or “all metro areas” to see data sources that offer nationwide data at all scales.
If you are aware of data sources we have not included, please email us at